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Robert Steven Nover

The Fabric Of Our Country This is the start of a new project combining my photography with digital painting. “The Fabric Of Our Country_#1, #2 & #3″, March 2020, 13″ x 19” dye print on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Baryta Satin paper.  

Carson Schafer

A Drum Solo Visualized Hello, I am a Jazz Drums MFA ALUM (’19). My goal with this submission has been to find a way to make visuals that clearly represent what drummers practice –moving around the kit and using multiple limbs at once to create music. I wondered if there was a way to visualize […]

Mira Spremich

Endure Yikai Luc Wu, Kai-Luen Liang, Madyson Thornquest, Max Harper, Nick Chang

Sungjae Lee

Wind and Wave Drawings is a series of motion drawings that intrinsically shows only one piece of thread; the video describes how the shape of the thread is changed by the wave of water and wind. By gathering these diversified shapes of the original thread, this project challenges the fundamental origin of the world that […]

Tim Feeney

Multimeda recordings of spontaneous music: prompts for assembling sound and image, running remote-distanced seances, and/or time-based annoyance. CalArts Percussion Ensemble: Morgan Alford, Kristyna Svihalkova, Henry Delargy, and Eric Lennartson Free Improvisation Ensemble: Camille Kiku Belair, Maria Alejandra Bulla, Rebecca Drapkin, Hazel Feiner, Brian Griffith, Jeremy Rosenstock, Adam Zuckerman, Kai Cleaveland, Stefany Glik, Bjorn Gustafsson, Terry […]


Download CalArts Expo 2020  Follow us on social media   IOS Download Instructions Download .Zip File – Once Downloaded double click to decompress In the Finder on your Mac, locate the Gallery app Right-click the app icon, then choose “Open” from the shortcut menu. Click Open. Explore Calarts Expo 2020

Sonia Vargas

Lights Lights of a carousel illuminating the dark sky

Woohee Cho

TW/CW: hate speech, racism, violence untitled

Jiayu Zhang

Unbuilt Door Unbuilt Door is a collaborative sound installation between Jiayu Zhang and Joana P. Cardozo during the emergency state of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020. Jiayu and Joana were studio neighbors at CalArts. This piece offers an imagination practice for the participants to visualize the border of their individual space. The participants are […]

Jon Hudson

sculpture: SYNCHRONICITY:MINQIN stainless steel sculpture, 15 ft. dia., installed at Minqin Intl. Desert Sculpture Park, outside Minqin, Gansu, China

Jeremy Rosenstock

This is a text setting of excerpts from “Notes on the Cinematograph” and “Au Hasard Balthazar” by Robert Bresson. The work is composed for speaking pianist.

Gabi Galloway

Gabi Galloway BFA 3 – Theatre Lysol This piece is a reflection on what I learned in Mike Bryant’s Sex and Death class in regard to feminine hygiene being rooted in sexism and how this can explain why we continue to view contraception, abortion and child care as women’s burden. In the world of sex […]

Susana Pineda

The Mermaid is a collaborative music video and one of the 6 pieces of my thesis project “Inner Creatures.” “Inner Creatures” explores the development motivations, characteristics and environments of the different sub-personalities within the psyche. “The Mermaid” is the sub-personality that deals with the emergence of sexuality, sexual identity, femininity and the need for self-determination. […]

Luka Fisher

No Time For Names is a 51 minute score created in Spring 2020 by artists Rissa Dee, Luka Fisher, Jung A. Jung, Peter Kalisch, M-Other, Kyler O’Neal, Ritual Spirit, Danielle Roz, and Christina Elaine Vasquez and arranged by Luka Fisher and her garage band. Collaborators: Rissa Dee, Luka Fisher, Jung A. Jung, Peter Kalisch, M-Other, […]