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Jon Barlow Hudson

Alumni - Art


stainless steel sculpture, 15 ft. dia., installed at Minqin Intl. Desert Sculpture Park, outside Minqin, Gansu, China

Sonia Vargas

Lights Lights of a carousel illuminating the dark sky

Emiliano Aguirre

Tsar's Special Delivery Many years ago (a score or so) in an alternate America full of pastel colors, a state-sanctioned courier delivers a small jar of caviar.

Patty Rangel

Hybrid Reality Theater “The Main Gallery screen will be pulled down and projected on it will be a video of Devorah Medwin (New York Actor’s Studio) doing a live reading of her play “”Maggie”” accompanied by her Second Life Avatar. After the video introduction, a reading of the short play will take place (live) by […]

Bo Li

From 1942 to 2020 Why are you making this piece? Since the beginning of the epidemic, I have followed the notice from the local authority to stay at home and stay alive. Since the food in my house has become thinner recently, I have to go out to hunt. Firstly, I found that I was completely expired, so […]

Tristan Kilmer

Genesis A clone decides she wants to be more than just another face in the crowd. Collaborators: Roy Berardo, Karen Tanaka, Brian Morones, MSmitherman, Madi Thoele, Samantha Norrie

Emily Eisenstein

plasticity My clothes my hair my face my body. The way I look and the way I feel are at war with each other. A film about gender in isolation.

Mengqing Yuan

B-body “My B-body” is a project I created during home quarantine. It is based on a poem I wrote about the relationship between my physical body and my consciousness. The text of the poem reads: My B-body My body doesn’t belong to me It wants to be free It wants to come apart It wants […]