Ulrich Krieger

Faculty, Music - Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom – REmote AMbience

Two ambient/ambient-noise pieces curated by Ulrich Krieger and developed together remotely by Sonic Boom.

Kilmartin, Evan/Hopper, Finn/Rose, Echo/Brown, Nicholas/Heidari-Bateni, Kion/Everingham, Christopher/Chen-Walters, Nicki/Ichiyanagi, Kanoa/Bills, Wheeler/Wall, Marley/Boyer, Aidan/Morones, Brian/Ma, Xiaoxiao/Newby, Franklin/Cohen, Samuel/Figliulo, Ray/Moyao, Emilio/Simmons, Alexander/Bone, Ari/Wood, Amando/Bjornson, Brandon/Griffith, Brian/Piepenbrink, Andrew

Cindy Pepper

Boxing Can Be Fun A contemporary duet danced on 2 wooden cubes performed by 2 dancers from Ballet West to the music of Keenan Webster composed on the African instrument called the baliphone. cynthiapepper.com

Steve Weir

Alleys The Alleys series documents a lesser-known casualty of the construction boom in Seattle—alleyways. While they often carry a negative reputation, they are an integral part of the urban landscape.

Xiaoyun Zeng

Dance Machine This project aims to discuss what’s the function of space, to explore the relationship between objects’ physical movements and spatial configuration in a different way, and to consider how we search/use/limit/share the space for a different purpose. The artist takes a dynamic sculpture approach to investigate the realm between visible the invisible. The […]

Jon Hudson

sculpture: SYNCHRONICITY:MINQIN stainless steel sculpture, 15 ft. dia., installed at Minqin Intl. Desert Sculpture Park, outside Minqin, Gansu, China