Ulrich Krieger

Faculty, Music - Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom – REmote AMbience

Two ambient/ambient-noise pieces curated by Ulrich Krieger and developed together remotely by Sonic Boom.

Kilmartin, Evan/Hopper, Finn/Rose, Echo/Brown, Nicholas/Heidari-Bateni, Kion/Everingham, Christopher/Chen-Walters, Nicki/Ichiyanagi, Kanoa/Bills, Wheeler/Wall, Marley/Boyer, Aidan/Morones, Brian/Ma, Xiaoxiao/Newby, Franklin/Cohen, Samuel/Figliulo, Ray/Moyao, Emilio/Simmons, Alexander/Bone, Ari/Wood, Amando/Bjornson, Brandon/Griffith, Brian/Piepenbrink, Andrew

Marina Santana De la Torre

Alternative Facts (Hechos Alternativos) A reflection on the phrase “Alternative Facts” used during a press conference in January 22, 2017

Aashray Harishankar

Flight “Flight” is a 2019 concept album mirroring the timeline of human life, from birth until death and beyond. Each song, lyrically and sonically, represents a different time period, but all are reflections of life as a whole. Beginning with “Liftoff/Zephyr”, we rise into a period of birth and infancy, of wonder and innocence, carrying […]

Max Harper

Apollo, Apollo! In this swift hell, firefighters wore upwards of seventy-five pounds of gear, as they walked atop a landscape rendered to burning coal. Guided only by headlights, the firefighters would soak the path in front of them. Every step released a fine silt of red embers and ash that moved weightlessly through the air, […]

Fallon Williams

Originally located on the back wall of the MOD, IRIS was a 3-dimensional automated aperture that opened to about 17-ft in diameter to reveal a lit cyclorama in its opening. For the Virtual Campus, we will be modeling the iris in 3D software, then using lighting software to create various lighting looks. Christian Mejia (MFA2, […]

Meisen Hu

Cars N' Cats A series of toy cats and vehicle prototypes https://humeisen.wixsite.com/relicworkshop

Ruoyi Shi

“I create 3 videos to show a world hidden inside the reflection of water. I use my tentacle that is made out of water to find a link between the world that surrounds me right now and the memories of adventure that only I know. No matter if it is humidity or moisture, I sense […]

Gabriela Padilla

TW/CW: abuse, violence, suicide This song is about overcoming depression and suicide awareness through hope.