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Socks Whitmore

BFA 4 - Music

Quarantine Acoustics

When Jacob’s estranged sister Ashley asks him to reprise a role from his past, the two must come to terms with their relationship to his younger ‘female’ self in order to save their own.

“Pass” is a queer one act musical in development. It had a staged reading on January 26, 2020 in the Coffeehouse Theater at the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA. The show’s team consists entirely of trans/non-cis identifying artists.

Kelby Jo McClellan (they/them) – Jacob
Socks Whitmore (they/them) – Ashley
Rhiannon Lewis (they/them) – Lizzy
Julie Ouellette (she/they) – Director

Design Team:
Ry Burke (he/they) – Lighting Design
Elliot Yokum (they/them) – Sound Design
Sonya Berg (they/them) – Costume Design

Production Team:
Socks Whitmore (they/them) – Playwright/Co-Producer
M Hiatt (they/them) – Co-Producer
Jason Pollak (he/she/they) – Director
Jillian Lindner (they/them) – Stage Manager

Accompaniments and Arrangements for Stage Reading by Adin Boyer (He/Him)


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