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Matthew Pagoaga

MFA 1 - Art

Parallel Self Embraced

“Parallel Self Embraced is an upcoming interactive light art installation to be installed at Burning Man 2021. Parallel Self Embraced presents two panels with human figures outlined in their center. Radial lines extend outward from the figures and beckon as doorways for entry. Entering the piece trips a variety of sensors and reacts to human presence with pulses of light and sound. If two persons enter on either side, and embrace in the middle, however, the piece reacts with a dazzling array of light.
We live in tumultuous and divided times. Our relationship to each other today is often one of disagreement, strife, and tribal mentality. Parallel Self Embraced presents an alternative – encouraging a coming together interpersonally. The work takes on new meaning in the aftermath of Covid-19. one that probes our need for each other — our need for embrace. “

What They Last Saw

What They Last Saw, 2019 – Asphalt, Police Flashlights, Colored Gels

Kelon Cen

Doppelganger – Symbiosis Doppelgänger IV – Symbiosis (2020) is a composed theatre project exploring the concept of human-machine symbiosis. It’s an immersive multimedia experience that consists of projection mappings, spatialized sound, interactive sculpture, and performance art. Symbiosis is part of the Doppelgänger research project by IMUU that explores the human condition in a futuristic dystopia […]

Moon Wang

I miss my three boyfriends This is a series of posters we made based on a girl who have mental illness and have lived in the hospital for 34 years.

Yunni Lin

The Process A short film documenting the day to day training of dancers in the studios.

Shaharoh Chism

Crazy For You Crazy For You performed by Shaharoh and her band In Lieu Of. Band: Brian Farst, David Howard and Ben Ochieng

Roger Holzberg

LIFE QUILT “Created by the Healthcare by Design class of 2020 (CalArts Theater School), in partnership with Henry Mayo hospital. LIFE QUILT is a part of a larger pilot program developed for patients & families approaching end of life. Each panel is an active, creative experience, designed to reduce anxiety, connect family members in support, […]

Andrea Turk

KARMA Music Video “Karma”, a song by Andrea Turk featuring Prince Husein, is a song that throws you into the situation of unreciprocated love and how one would react to it. In this song, both sides wish the other person well but also ‘karma’, for wasting their time and effort into a one-sided relationship. The […]

Woohee Cho

TW/CW: hate speech, racism, violence untitled