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Kathleen Fox

MFA 2 - Theatre

Don't Let Me Be Lonely

Don’t Let Me Be Lonely is an architectural projection performance inspired by Claudia Rankine’s book of poems of the same name. The projection mapping explores loneliness as it exists at CalArts both before and during the COVID19 Crisis. Rankine defines loneliness as “What we cannot do for each other.” This performance, in the Main Gallery of CalArts hopes to explore unity and how we as a community can come together in difficult times.

The Spirit Phone 2.0

The Spirit Phone 2.0 is an Augmented Reality experience that people can download on their phones. It immerses the users in the realm of the departed where they collect memory particles of the dead to uncover the story of a ghost named Niamh. Thomas Edison proposed the idea of a Spirit Phone originally. It was going to be a phone that would allow people to communicate with their loved ones from beyond the grave. This invention was proposed during the height of spiritualism. Thomas Edison believed that when people die, their memories and personality were split into tiny particles, like atoms, and if one were able to collect enough of these particles – they’d be able to communicate with the dead from beyond the grave. Thomas Edison never completed the invention before his death, so we have taken up the calling to explore how our phones can communicate with those who have passed.

Max Harper

Apollo, Apollo! In this swift hell, firefighters wore upwards of seventy-five pounds of gear, as they walked atop a landscape rendered to burning coal. Guided only by headlights, the firefighters would soak the path in front of them. Every step released a fine silt of red embers and ash that moved weightlessly through the air, […]

Ruoyi Shi

“I create 3 videos to show a world hidden inside the reflection of water. I use my tentacle that is made out of water to find a link between the world that surrounds me right now and the memories of adventure that only I know. No matter if it is humidity or moisture, I sense […]

Estela Anakaren Silva Botello

México Mágico Machista Part of documentation of a feminist protest in Monterrey, Mexico (nationwide initiative) on March 8th 2020— which sought to gain visibility to the alarming rates of femicides in Mexico due to gender violence rooted in machismo, an almost intrinsic, evil element of our culture. *screen printed sign on cardboard *scan of 35mm […]

Minline Lee

Silver & Matte grey series The avatars of digital era

Dongpu Ling

ML Landscape I am interested in the inaccurate and unpredictable result that a machine can make. In order to understand its “mind”, I train the machine using images that have not been cropped, to see how it understands a thing that has not be seen before.

Madison Hicks

Still Growing “Still Growing” is a short solo created in the restrictions of my home surrounded around a stool. It is a study on time and growth, striving to show that we are “still growing” in this time of quarantine.

Juan Antonio Rivera

Førgøtten – A Contemporary Ballet for the Soul. This art performance is about social justice in the 21st century, bringing to light the reality that our society now lives with police brutality. Many of my family members have had to have the “police” talk, “hoodie” talk, or “walking-out-late-at-night” talk with their teenagers, warning them that […]