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Jennie Park

MFA 1 - Art

DIY Political Machines: Circular to Linear Motion

Three kinetic sculptures explore relationships between circularity/co-opting/recycling and linearity/polarization/binary-ness, and how personal agency or positionality intersects with these linked mechanics. (They’re NOT “voting machines;” they reflect the operation of many large systems, frameworks and conversations, e.g., the relationship between the DIY ethos and capitalism, between the political far left and far right, and among nested systems such as science operating within politics (which operates within law).

Vision Test / Viewfinder

This "vision test" or (tourist) "viewfinder" presents alternate interpretations of the same images, via 4 phrases: "WE ARE THE VIRUS," "THEY ARE THE VIRUS," "WE RESIST THE VIRUS," "THEY RESIST THE VIRUS." (An optician asks, “Lens A or B,” to ascertain visual acuity.) COVID-19 exists in a world structured by metaphorical “viruses:” the unhoused, imprisoned, etc. are deemed societal “diseases;” at once, capitalism, pollution & social media are deemed viral. In a given context, who are "we" & "they?" What's a "virus?" As "resist" has political and immunization-related meanings, what does it mean to "resist the virus?"

Patty Rangel

Hybrid Reality Theater “The Main Gallery screen will be pulled down and projected on it will be a video of Devorah Medwin (New York Actor’s Studio) doing a live reading of her play “”Maggie”” accompanied by her Second Life Avatar. After the video introduction, a reading of the short play will take place (live) by […]

Leslie Crapster-Pregont

Light: action and reaction “Light: action and reaction” highlights the awe and wonder of the simple transition of light throughout the day. Time lapse video captures the movement of the sun and its reflection/refraction across dichroic tiles. The changing pattern of color and light encourages the viewer to slow down and appreciate shadow art that […]

Kelon Cen

Doppelganger – Symbiosis Doppelgänger IV – Symbiosis (2020) is a composed theatre project exploring the concept of human-machine symbiosis. It’s an immersive multimedia experience that consists of projection mappings, spatialized sound, interactive sculpture, and performance art. Symbiosis is part of the Doppelgänger research project by IMUU that explores the human condition in a futuristic dystopia […]

Socks Whitmore

Quarantine Acoustics When Jacob’s estranged sister Ashley asks him to reprise a role from his past, the two must come to terms with their relationship to his younger ‘female’ self in order to save their own. “Pass” is a queer one act musical in development. It had a staged reading on January 26, 2020 in […]

Mia Yao Meng

Hyperreal Gesstures This project is a reflection of the gestures we perform on a routine basis in order to interact (as the trigger and the data input) with networked devices such as smartphones and laptops. These gestures are abstracted/flattened in the design process and transformed into online behaviors. This habit-formation process only takes us a […]

Emily Eisenstein

plasticity My clothes my hair my face my body. The way I look and the way I feel are at war with each other. A film about gender in isolation.