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Jennie Park

MFA 1 - Art

DIY Political Machines: Circular to Linear Motion

Three kinetic sculptures explore relationships between circularity/co-opting/recycling and linearity/polarization/binary-ness, and how personal agency or positionality intersects with these linked mechanics. (They’re NOT “voting machines;” they reflect the operation of many large systems, frameworks and conversations, e.g., the relationship between the DIY ethos and capitalism, between the political far left and far right, and among nested systems such as science operating within politics (which operates within law).

Vision Test / Viewfinder

This "vision test" or (tourist) "viewfinder" presents alternate interpretations of the same images, via 4 phrases: "WE ARE THE VIRUS," "THEY ARE THE VIRUS," "WE RESIST THE VIRUS," "THEY RESIST THE VIRUS." (An optician asks, “Lens A or B,” to ascertain visual acuity.) COVID-19 exists in a world structured by metaphorical “viruses:” the unhoused, imprisoned, etc. are deemed societal “diseases;” at once, capitalism, pollution & social media are deemed viral. In a given context, who are "we" & "they?" What's a "virus?" As "resist" has political and immunization-related meanings, what does it mean to "resist the virus?"

Madison Hicks

Still Growing “Still Growing” is a short solo created in the restrictions of my home surrounded around a stool. It is a study on time and growth, striving to show that we are “still growing” in this time of quarantine.

Kenneth Chan

A music collage I made with reversed samples of my previously recorded music.

Vanessa Kwan

Ernestine and Delilah Ernestine and Delilah navigate their love in an apocalyptic world. Collaborators: Claire Brnjac

Emiliano Aguirre

Tsar's Special Delivery Many years ago (a score or so) in an alternate America full of pastel colors, a state-sanctioned courier delivers a small jar of caviar.

Media Home

Slide 1Slide 1 Slide 1Slide 1 Slide 1MEISEN HU BFA 4 – Theatre KELON CEN Alumni – Film Slide 1STEVE WEIR Alumni – Art ROBERT NOVER Design/Photography ’73 MADISON HICKS MFA 1 – Dance Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1HAMED DEHQAN MA – NTNU EDU COLIN YEO BFA 4 – Theatre […]

Marina Santana De la Torre

Alternative Facts (Hechos Alternativos) A reflection on the phrase “Alternative Facts” used during a press conference in January 22, 2017

Robert Steven Nover

The Fabric Of Our Country This is the start of a new project combining my photography with digital painting. “The Fabric Of Our Country_#1, #2 & #3″, March 2020, 13″ x 19” dye print on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Baryta Satin paper.