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Patty Rangel

Alumni - Theatre

Hybrid Reality Theater

“The Main Gallery screen will be pulled down and projected on it will be a video of Devorah Medwin (New York Actor’s Studio) doing a live reading of her play “”Maggie”” accompanied by her Second Life Avatar. After the video introduction, a reading of the short play will take place (live) by two Avatars standing in front of the virtual screen.”


Moon Wang

I miss my three boyfriends This is a series of posters we made based on a girl who have mental illness and have lived in the hospital for 34 years.

Greg Lewis

Rob Ford Explorer Original experimental music from CalArts that would be perfect for the virtual expo! Greg Lewis, Cameron Sax

Laura Sofia Perez

Modesty Odyssey Unreleased music video for “Modesty Odissey” by Brooklyn born artist Melanie Charles, whose creative fluidity spans jazz, soul, experimental, and her own Haitian roots.

Emmanuel Bradshaw

Cloudcast An art therapy piece that utilizes a car experience to guide the audience in an intimate experience of self

Yunni Lin

The Process A short film documenting the day to day training of dancers in the studios.

Robert Steven Nover

The Fabric Of Our Country This is the start of a new project combining my photography with digital painting. “The Fabric Of Our Country_#1, #2 & #3″, March 2020, 13″ x 19” dye print on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Baryta Satin paper.  

Vanessa Kwan

Ernestine and Delilah Ernestine and Delilah navigate their love in an apocalyptic world. Collaborators: Claire Brnjac