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Fallon Williams

MFA 2 - Theatre


Originally located on the back wall of the MOD, IRIS was a 3-dimensional automated aperture that opened to about 17-ft in diameter to reveal a lit cyclorama in its opening. For the Virtual Campus, we will be modeling the iris in 3D software, then using lighting software to create various lighting looks.

Christian Mejia (MFA2, Lighting Design), Ky Docter (BFA3, Technical Direction), Karim Abuabara (BFA2, Technical Direction)

Joy Chan

14 days in the lockdown April, I was locked up in a central quarantine accommodation. 14 days with the extraction of fresh air and the earth, the only approach for me to connect with the loving world is the peephole in my room door and a locked up window. As I stay, I start to […]

Laura Sofia Perez

Modesty Odyssey Unreleased music video for “Modesty Odissey” by Brooklyn born artist Melanie Charles, whose creative fluidity spans jazz, soul, experimental, and her own Haitian roots.

Meisen Hu

Cars N' Cats A series of toy cats and vehicle prototypes

Joana P. Cardozo

The Naked Hours For 100 hours, I cut 2 x 2 inches black paper with scissors and covered the L-Shape Gallery walls at the California Institute of the Arts. I did not speak. I did not use a cell phone or other electronics. I ate, rested, wrote, and meditated as necessary. I left the gallery […]

Flenoit Webster

calvery xp faith in the 21st century and a look at the possible events- there is a chamber of people found in a basement of a prison who have been there since the late 1900’s suddenly an execution order has been created for all 144’000 souls and NOW an agent from the feds is investigating […]

Patty Rangel

Hybrid Reality Theater “The Main Gallery screen will be pulled down and projected on it will be a video of Devorah Medwin (New York Actor’s Studio) doing a live reading of her play “”Maggie”” accompanied by her Second Life Avatar. After the video introduction, a reading of the short play will take place (live) by […]

Mengqing Yuan

B-body “My B-body” is a project I created during home quarantine. It is based on a poem I wrote about the relationship between my physical body and my consciousness. The text of the poem reads: My B-body My body doesn’t belong to me It wants to be free It wants to come apart It wants […]