Kelon Cen
Alumni - Film
Doppelganger – Symbiosis
Doppelgänger IV – Symbiosis (2020) is a composed theatre project exploring the concept of human-machine symbiosis. It’s an immersive multimedia experience that consists of projection mappings, spatialized sound, interactive sculpture, and performance art. Symbiosis is part of the Doppelgänger research project by IMUU that explores the human condition in a futuristic dystopia where machinery analysis and prediction of our mind become possible, data monetization becomes uncontrollable, and the discrepancy between machines and humans become blurred.
Weilu Ge
Ward Melnikoff
Return Of The Radiolarian After a 20 year pause, my Radiolarian Landscapes are returning.
Dongpu Ling
ML Landscape I am interested in the inaccurate and unpredictable result that a machine can make. In order to understand its “mind”, I train the machine using images that have not been cropped, to see how it understands a thing that has not be seen before.
Andrea Turk
KARMA Music Video “Karma”, a song by Andrea Turk featuring Prince Husein, is a song that throws you into the situation of unreciprocated love and how one would react to it. In this song, both sides wish the other person well but also ‘karma’, for wasting their time and effort into a one-sided relationship. The […]
Arash Hajihosseini
Fallon Williams
Originally located on the back wall of the MOD, IRIS was a 3-dimensional automated aperture that opened to about 17-ft in diameter to reveal a lit cyclorama in its opening. For the Virtual Campus, we will be modeling the iris in 3D software, then using lighting software to create various lighting looks. Christian Mejia (MFA2, […]
Joanna Keler
DEEP INSIDE “CalArts. A game-changer in the education of professional artists. CalArts. Grounded in openness, experimentation, critical engagement, and creative freedom. CalArts. Transform ourselves, each other, and the world. Let’s go, stranger I’ll show you CalArts. From outside to inside. To all our concerns, frustration, and alienation. To all what will always stay in counselor’s […]
Robert Steven Nover
The Fabric Of Our Country This is the start of a new project combining my photography with digital painting. “The Fabric Of Our Country_#1, #2 & #3″, March 2020, 13″ x 19” dye print on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Baryta Satin paper.
Adam Zuckerman
A collection of melodies. Embedded like a small light in the corner. This piece engages themes and processes of transparency/translucence, copying/covering, and distance/absence: the traces of a thing not there. Melody fragments expand and contract. Here, melody crystallizes into harmony and harmony unfolds as melody. Like a constellation of stars; or in the direction of […]