Tim Feeney

Faculty - Music

Sticks and Stones

Multimeda recordings of spontaneous music: prompts for assembling sound and image, running remote-distanced seances, and/or time-based annoyance.

CalArts Percussion Ensemble: Morgan Alford, Kristyna Svihalkova, Henry Delargy, and Eric Lennartson
Free Improvisation Ensemble: Camille Kiku Belair, Maria Alejandra Bulla, Rebecca Drapkin, Hazel Feiner, Brian Griffith, Jeremy Rosenstock, Adam Zuckerman, Kai Cleaveland, Stefany Glik, Bjorn Gustafsson, Terry Kim, Sebastian Marulanda, Marcos Mena, Jake Michaels, Aidan O'Donnell, John Simard, Elias Ure, Michel von Loh, Angelo Yousef

Roger Kim

Elements Elements is an interactive web-based installation that uses the classical Chinese idea of five elements (火 fire, 水 water, 木 wood, 金 metal, and 土 earth) to explore perspectives that contradict and coexist at the same time. Visitors to the web-page will be able to manipulate elements (as represented by Chinese characters), and see […]

Juan Antonio Rivera

Førgøtten – A Contemporary Ballet for the Soul. This art performance is about social justice in the 21st century, bringing to light the reality that our society now lives with police brutality. Many of my family members have had to have the “police” talk, “hoodie” talk, or “walking-out-late-at-night” talk with their teenagers, warning them that […]

Sonia Vargas

Lights Lights of a carousel illuminating the dark sky https://syvargas470.wixsite.com/website

Kenneth Chan

A music collage I made with reversed samples of my previously recorded music.

Tristan Kilmer

Genesis A clone decides she wants to be more than just another face in the crowd. Collaborators: Roy Berardo, Karen Tanaka, Brian Morones, MSmitherman, Madi Thoele, Samantha Norrie https://www.artstation.com/tristan_kilmer

Carla Lopez

Water as a cleansing, invigorating, distortional, and transitional space. Motel pools as portals. Coloring and Layout Assistance – Lula Ochoa and Emily Malone My Swimmers – Lula Ochoa, Audrey Bandrowski, James Holsten, and Arius Ziaee Additional Camera Work – Savannah Perry Music by 11ai – www.ilai.link Thank you to the Calarts Risograph Printing Techs, especially […]

Joanna Keler

DEEP INSIDE “CalArts. A game-changer in the education of professional artists. CalArts. Grounded in openness, experimentation, critical engagement, and creative freedom. CalArts. Transform ourselves, each other, and the world. Let’s go, stranger I’ll show you CalArts. From outside to inside. To all our concerns, frustration, and alienation. To all what will always stay in counselor’s […]