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Lorelei Acuna

BFA 2 - Film


Fast fashion is the world’s second largest polluter, emitting 10% of all carbon emissions and is dumped into lands and oceans all over the world. In Our compilation of video and photography come together to evoke empathetic response in our viewers. By seeing humans absorbed in plastic, we mirror the way our Earth and animal habitats are being covered in clothes and garbage every day. One solution we provide is upcycled fashion – turning old clothes/materials into ones that can be worn again, rather than thrown away, or buying new. We hope people begin to see beyond the glamour of fast fashion, and see our planet as our home, and our responsibility. Thank you to the WRI (World Resources Institute) for their constant support and insight for this project, as well as Yasmin Gibson and Maureen Furniss.


Lorelei Acuña (me) – director & stylist (curator)
Avery Jagre – director & fashion design (curator)
Josiah Green – photographer
Max Harper – filmmaker
Saira Mangat, Kelsey Gomez, Olivia Fogel – models
Damontae Hack – dancer/actor

Charles Danner

TW/CW: trauma **Trigger Warning** This is a multimedia piece about the experience of being a victim of trauma in the current COVID-19 climate. The piece consists of original poetry written and performed by Nicole Paige Chaffin over an original score by Charles Van Alst Danner. The score features a custom feedback instrument, the FeedBox in […]

Ward Melnikoff

Return Of The Radiolarian After a 20 year pause, my Radiolarian Landscapes are returning.

Roger Holzberg

LIFE QUILT “Created by the Healthcare by Design class of 2020 (CalArts Theater School), in partnership with Henry Mayo hospital. LIFE QUILT is a part of a larger pilot program developed for patients & families approaching end of life. Each panel is an active, creative experience, designed to reduce anxiety, connect family members in support, […]

Perry Cook

COVID Pan Drum: A Robot Tongue-Drum Rendering of the SARS-2 COVID Virus Genome I’m building a custom robot to play a little lap-sized tongue (steel) drum. A program will read through the roughly 30k base pairs in the COVID 19 (SARS-2 COVID Wuhan Seafood Market) DNA sequence. Particular (known) functioning segments will be sonified when […]

Roger Kim

Elements Elements is an interactive web-based installation that uses the classical Chinese idea of five elements (火 fire, 水 water, 木 wood, 金 metal, and 土 earth) to explore perspectives that contradict and coexist at the same time. Visitors to the web-page will be able to manipulate elements (as represented by Chinese characters), and see […]

Shaharoh Chism

Crazy For You Crazy For You performed by Shaharoh and her band In Lieu Of. Band: Brian Farst, David Howard and Ben Ochieng