Wind and Wave Drawings
is a series of motion drawings that intrinsically shows only one piece of thread; the video describes how the shape of the thread is changed by the wave of water and wind.
By gathering these diversified shapes of the original thread, this project challenges the fundamental origin of the world that seems impossible to figure out under human experience.
Bustling Silence
Bustling Silence is specifically inspired by pupas of butterflies and moths. By looking at a time-lapse of an X-ray sequence of a pupa, Lee was inspired in this work to capture potential vitality from the temporarily inanimate object and such contradictory phenomenon.
To Cedar
To Cedar is a 12-channel video installation that represents multiple impressions of my journey to Cedar City. The 12 individual videos synchronize each other by sharing small figures and have a unified scene every 6 minutes.
This video installation is specifically created for a video room that is like a tunnel at the Southern Utah Museum of Art in a special group show of Korean artists from October 13 through December 28, 2018.
Mechatronic Art and Music
Kai-Luen Liang Tomorrow There Will Be Wind ( Automatic Windchimes ) A performance of playing an Arduino controlled set of wind chimes. Vibration motors are activated through a motor driver creating divisions and polyrhythms based on various “states.” First iteration prototype with beer bottle activation. Trevor Bock 4-Note Bottle Blowing Instrument I have always […]
Roger Kim
Elements Elements is an interactive web-based installation that uses the classical Chinese idea of five elements (火 fire, 水 water, 木 wood, 金 metal, and 土 earth) to explore perspectives that contradict and coexist at the same time. Visitors to the web-page will be able to manipulate elements (as represented by Chinese characters), and see […]
Annie Do
ANNIE DO – Artpiaz Artwork –
Jeremy Rosenstock
This is a text setting of excerpts from “Notes on the Cinematograph” and “Au Hasard Balthazar” by Robert Bresson. The work is composed for speaking pianist.
Jamie Naqvi
Scenes Inspired by film, memory, and collage, “Scenes” uses found and original material to recreate three scenes from its author’s life.
Greg Lewis
Rob Ford Explorer Original experimental music from CalArts that would be perfect for the virtual expo! Greg Lewis, Cameron Sax
Minline Lee
Silver & Matte grey series The avatars of digital era
Mengqing Yuan
B-body “My B-body” is a project I created during home quarantine. It is based on a poem I wrote about the relationship between my physical body and my consciousness. The text of the poem reads: My B-body My body doesn’t belong to me It wants to be free It wants to come apart It wants […]
Avyakrta: The Unanswered Questions
AVYAKRTA: The Unanswered Questions is a 10-channel digital painting created by Sung-Jae Lee. This project is one of the video works for VH AWARD 2015, promoted by Hyundai Motor Group in South Korea. To appreciate details and the scale of this work, this edited version has the camera work with its main parts.