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Brian Griffith

MFA 1 - Music

Biological Internal Feedback

Biological Internal Feedback is a visual music piece exploring the opaque gelatin that is created when combining the moment of inspiration and the realization of the thought. The video for this piece was created using nature footage taken from around my neighborhood, and abstract video synth textures created in the CalArts Videographics Lab. Aesthetically, the two pieces of video are quite different, however, it is during these peaceful walks through Elysian Park when I start to think of the textures and shapes possible with video synthesis. The audio is also inspired by these walks: processing fields recordings that have been recording ad hoc, and composing elements that mimic the motion or sound of these recordings.

The result is the first in an ongoing series of personal exploration that aims to get at the distilled essence of creativity and expression. By exploring and combining elements that ordinarily might by two distinct styles, the commonalities will blossom.


Jon Hudson

sculpture: SYNCHRONICITY:MINQIN stainless steel sculpture, 15 ft. dia., installed at Minqin Intl. Desert Sculpture Park, outside Minqin, Gansu, China

Sungjae Lee

Wind and Wave Drawings is a series of motion drawings that intrinsically shows only one piece of thread; the video describes how the shape of the thread is changed by the wave of water and wind. By gathering these diversified shapes of the original thread, this project challenges the fundamental origin of the world that […]

Usha Venkat

Radical Practice Radical Practice is a series of podcast conversations between CalArts Graphic Design Program alumnae and current students. Each episode features an alumna with a distinct professional practice, including BFAs and MFAs whose endeavors range from cultural to corporate and from singular enterprises to ambitious ideas. We’ll discuss how they have defined success for […]

Perry Cook

COVID Pan Drum: A Robot Tongue-Drum Rendering of the SARS-2 COVID Virus Genome I’m building a custom robot to play a little lap-sized tongue (steel) drum. A program will read through the roughly 30k base pairs in the COVID 19 (SARS-2 COVID Wuhan Seafood Market) DNA sequence. Particular (known) functioning segments will be sonified when […]

Emily Eisenstein

plasticity My clothes my hair my face my body. The way I look and the way I feel are at war with each other. A film about gender in isolation.

Mechatronic Art and Music

Kai-Luen Liang Tomorrow There Will Be Wind ( Automatic Windchimes ) A performance of playing an Arduino controlled set of wind chimes. Vibration motors are activated through a motor driver creating divisions and polyrhythms based on various “states.” First iteration prototype with beer bottle activation.   Trevor Bock 4-Note Bottle Blowing Instrument I have always […]

Jeremy Rosenstock

This is a text setting of excerpts from “Notes on the Cinematograph” and “Au Hasard Balthazar” by Robert Bresson. The work is composed for speaking pianist.

Moon Wang

I miss my three boyfriends This is a series of posters we made based on a girl who have mental illness and have lived in the hospital for 34 years.