Mia Yao Meng
MFA 2 - Art & Tech
Hyperreal Gesstures
This project is a reflection of the gestures we perform on a routine basis in order to interact (as the trigger and the data input) with networked devices such as smartphones and laptops. These gestures are abstracted/flattened in the design process and transformed into online behaviors. This habit-formation process only takes us a few attempts to get into new games of communications and interactions. How and by whom is this gestural language designed? Where is it taking our bodily actions to? As gestural controls are being further developed to blending the online/virtual world and the “real world”, this project reveals something intimate and problematic, wandering around the missing context left behind through our online interactions.
Adam Peltier
home movies “sometimes i wish i was a woman, just so i could have an abortion” – john waters Connor Linnerooth "Lords and Ringz" – Last Week's Weather Tonight A celebrity guest and phone calls. What could go wrong? two jokes joke + joke = jokes
Leslie Crapster-Pregont
Light: action and reaction “Light: action and reaction” highlights the awe and wonder of the simple transition of light throughout the day. Time lapse video captures the movement of the sun and its reflection/refraction across dichroic tiles. The changing pattern of color and light encourages the viewer to slow down and appreciate shadow art that […]
Arash Hajihosseini
Mengqing Yuan
B-body “My B-body” is a project I created during home quarantine. It is based on a poem I wrote about the relationship between my physical body and my consciousness. The text of the poem reads: My B-body My body doesn’t belong to me It wants to be free It wants to come apart It wants […]
Sam Jones
Noticing Nature Noticing Nature looks at how a new story is needed that is more centered around nature. It explores how everything, including ourselves, is connected, and how important it is that we take the time to slow down and notice the nature that surrounds us every day. http://www.noticingnature.com/
Gabi Galloway
Gabi Galloway BFA 3 – Theatre Lysol This piece is a reflection on what I learned in Mike Bryant’s Sex and Death class in regard to feminine hygiene being rooted in sexism and how this can explain why we continue to view contraception, abortion and child care as women’s burden. In the world of sex […]
Slide 12020 CalArts Expo Awards will be announced in May 2020 2019 AWARDSCalArts Provost’s Award for Creative Excellence: Peng Lai / 1 Shiqi Zhang, School of Film/Video, Film and Video with Chenghui Mao, School of Dance, Dance; Justin Yau, School of Music, Composition and Experimental Sound Practices SquishBoi Odie DeSmith, School of Music, Music Technology […]