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Kenneth Chan

Alumni - Music

Counter Clockwise

A music collage I made with reversed samples of my previously recorded music.

Luka Fisher

No Time For Names is a 51 minute score created in Spring 2020 by artists Rissa Dee, Luka Fisher, Jung A. Jung, Peter Kalisch, M-Other, Kyler O’Neal, Ritual Spirit, Danielle Roz, and Christina Elaine Vasquez and arranged by Luka Fisher and her garage band. Collaborators: Rissa Dee, Luka Fisher, Jung A. Jung, Peter Kalisch, M-Other, […]

Pierre Emmanuel Mariaca

The Net and the Self “The Net and the Self is an interactive music and dance installation mirroring our networked society. The audience enter in a room illuminated by UV blacklights where dancers and musicians interact through an amplified harp that has its strings connected with fluorescent fishing lines attached to the walls. The installation […]

Marina Santana De la Torre

Alternative Facts (Hechos Alternativos) A reflection on the phrase “Alternative Facts” used during a press conference in January 22, 2017


Suffocation My artworks respond to the psychological impact of action and reaction (Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion). I like to think of this law in metaphorical terms beyond the literal mathematical implications. We exist in a constant state of action and reaction – every being is psychologically reacting to every action around that. […]

Jiayu Zhang

Unbuilt Door Unbuilt Door is a collaborative sound installation between Jiayu Zhang and Joana P. Cardozo during the emergency state of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020. Jiayu and Joana were studio neighbors at CalArts. This piece offers an imagination practice for the participants to visualize the border of their individual space. The participants are […]

Joanna Keler

DEEP INSIDE “CalArts. A game-changer in the education of professional artists. CalArts. Grounded in openness, experimentation, critical engagement, and creative freedom. CalArts. Transform ourselves, each other, and the world. Let’s go, stranger I’ll show you CalArts. From outside to inside. To all our concerns, frustration, and alienation. To all what will always stay in counselor’s […]

Joy Chan

14 days in the lockdown April, I was locked up in a central quarantine accommodation. 14 days with the extraction of fresh air and the earth, the only approach for me to connect with the loving world is the peephole in my room door and a locked up window. As I stay, I start to […]

Mira Spremich

Endure Yikai Luc Wu, Kai-Luen Liang, Madyson Thornquest, Max Harper, Nick Chang