Juan Herrera

MFA 1 - Integrated Media

Jardín de Delicias

Jardín de Delicias (2019) is a three channel video installation that documents a performative action by the artist using wax in combination with original texts written by the artist.

Jessie Hodges

Save Yourself; VIDEO COMPILATION Submitting one installation work “Save Yourself” along with a compilation of videos that I would loop together. “No One Has Met Me, “Keep on Keepin’ On”,”Lick Piece”, “The Artist is Roasted” “What I Found Under the Rug: A Statement about Stress”   

Hamed Dehqan

Burn This is an abstract and artificial image of burning flowers under sunlight as a lover of love feels burning.     

Steve Weir

Alleys The Alleys series documents a lesser-known casualty of the construction boom in Seattle—alleyways. While they often carry a negative reputation, they are an integral part of the urban landscape.

Luka Fisher

No Time For Names is a 51 minute score created in Spring 2020 by artists Rissa Dee, Luka Fisher, Jung A. Jung, Peter Kalisch, M-Other, Kyler O’Neal, Ritual Spirit, Danielle Roz, and Christina Elaine Vasquez and arranged by Luka Fisher and her garage band. Collaborators: Rissa Dee, Luka Fisher, Jung A. Jung, Peter Kalisch, M-Other, […]

Aashray Harishankar

Flight “Flight” is a 2019 concept album mirroring the timeline of human life, from birth until death and beyond. Each song, lyrically and sonically, represents a different time period, but all are reflections of life as a whole. Beginning with “Liftoff/Zephyr”, we rise into a period of birth and infancy, of wonder and innocence, carrying […]

Mengqing Yuan

B-body “My B-body” is a project I created during home quarantine. It is based on a poem I wrote about the relationship between my physical body and my consciousness. The text of the poem reads: My B-body My body doesn’t belong to me It wants to be free It wants to come apart It wants […]

Daniel Corral

15 Pendulums This is a Unity-based video piece, inspired by Reich’s Pendulum Music, but with a microtonal tuning based on a 1-3-5-7 combination-product set. The fundamental of this tuning is an upper 2/1 partial of the Schumann resonance 7.83 Hz. This Schumann resonance is basically the resonant frequency of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Here is […]

Emiliano Aguirre

Tsar's Special Delivery Many years ago (a score or so) in an alternate America full of pastel colors, a state-sanctioned courier delivers a small jar of caviar.