Emily Evans

We Are Sitting In A Room

Inspired by Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting In A Room," this composition was created collaboratively by 12 students in my Production as Composition class at CalArts, currently "sheltering in place" at locations all around the globe.
It started with a room tone...Then each student contributed a harmonic of 60 Hz and a B flat.
I mixed everything together at my home studio, and then we sent that mix around and passed it from student to student, who each re-amplified and re-recorded it in the space that they were currently occupying and sent it to the next student (picking up environmental noise and resonant frequencies with each iteration).
Performed and Recorded By:
Scott Cohen
Danielle Dahl
Kion Heidari-Bateni
Tal Katz
Zaq Kenefick
Dylan Marx
Lani Guerrero
Jasmine Stade
Jacob Sucher
Adam Zuckerman
Joshua Tucci
Juan Mendizobal
Mixed by Emily Evans

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