Emily Eisenstein

BFA 3 - Theatre


My clothes my hair my face my body. The way I look and the way I feel are at war with each other. A film about gender in isolation.

Jamie Naqvi

Scenes Inspired by film, memory, and collage, “Scenes” uses found and original material to recreate three scenes from its author’s life.  

Ward Melnikoff

Return Of The Radiolarian After a 20 year pause, my Radiolarian Landscapes are returning. http://wardmelnikoff.com/

Christine Lee

Happy Headroom “Happy Headroom” was part of my mid-residency show titled “Living Threads” in February 2020. The immersive installation consisted of 4-channel video and sculptures. In this video, my mom and I perform rituals as a visceral process to create a dialogue between changing states of self and site. Hair, simultaneously dead and living, functions […]

Sonia Vargas

Lights Lights of a carousel illuminating the dark sky https://syvargas470.wixsite.com/website

Meisen Hu

Cars N' Cats A series of toy cats and vehicle prototypes https://humeisen.wixsite.com/relicworkshop

Jon Hudson

sculpture: SYNCHRONICITY:MINQIN stainless steel sculpture, 15 ft. dia., installed at Minqin Intl. Desert Sculpture Park, outside Minqin, Gansu, China

Sungjae Lee

Wind and Wave Drawings is a series of motion drawings that intrinsically shows only one piece of thread; the video describes how the shape of the thread is changed by the wave of water and wind. By gathering these diversified shapes of the original thread, this project challenges the fundamental origin of the world that […]