Emiliano Aguirre
BFA 2 - Art
Shaharoh Chism
Crazy For You Crazy For You performed by Shaharoh and her band In Lieu Of. www.shaharoh.com Band: Brian Farst, David Howard and Ben Ochieng
Yiran Wang
Travel.Connect Finding connections in this world…
Yunni Lin
The Process A short film documenting the day to day training of dancers in the studios.
Chusu Kim
Alive! behance.net/chusukim
Emily Eisenstein
plasticity My clothes my hair my face my body. The way I look and the way I feel are at war with each other. A film about gender in isolation.
Xiaoyun Zeng
Dance Machine This project aims to discuss what’s the function of space, to explore the relationship between objects’ physical movements and spatial configuration in a different way, and to consider how we search/use/limit/share the space for a different purpose. The artist takes a dynamic sculpture approach to investigate the realm between visible the invisible. The […]
Lucas Brahme
Memorial An immersive virtual dining experience intended to guide the viewer through intimate experiences with the food of my heritage. The recipes in this project have been handed down orally throughout my family history and now that the previous generation is dead and gone, I take it upon myself to honor their memory while spreading […]
Joanna Keler
DEEP INSIDE “CalArts. A game-changer in the education of professional artists. CalArts. Grounded in openness, experimentation, critical engagement, and creative freedom. CalArts. Transform ourselves, each other, and the world. Let’s go, stranger I’ll show you CalArts. From outside to inside. To all our concerns, frustration, and alienation. To all what will always stay in counselor’s […]