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Cindy Pepper

" Cynthia Pepper has been active in the performing arts for decades. She began her performance career early with Virginia Tanner. She performed with Bella Lewitzky, Loretta Livingston, Donald Byrd and choreographers throughout California. Cynthia currently teaches cultural world dances and choreographs for films. " Alumni - Dance

Boxing Can Be Fun

A contemporary duet danced on 2 wooden cubes performed by 2 dancers from Ballet West to the music of Keenan Webster composed on the African instrument called the baliphone.

Leslie Crapster-Pregont

Light: action and reaction “Light: action and reaction” highlights the awe and wonder of the simple transition of light throughout the day. Time lapse video captures the movement of the sun and its reflection/refraction across dichroic tiles. The changing pattern of color and light encourages the viewer to slow down and appreciate shadow art that […]

Sam Jones

Noticing Nature Noticing Nature looks at how a new story is needed that is more centered around nature. It explores how everything, including ourselves, is connected, and how important it is that we take the time to slow down and notice the nature that surrounds us every day.

Perry Cook

COVID Pan Drum: A Robot Tongue-Drum Rendering of the SARS-2 COVID Virus Genome I’m building a custom robot to play a little lap-sized tongue (steel) drum. A program will read through the roughly 30k base pairs in the COVID 19 (SARS-2 COVID Wuhan Seafood Market) DNA sequence. Particular (known) functioning segments will be sonified when […]

Hamed Dehqan

Burn This is an abstract and artificial image of burning flowers under sunlight as a lover of love feels burning.     

Carson Schafer

A Drum Solo Visualized Hello, I am a Jazz Drums MFA ALUM (’19). My goal with this submission has been to find a way to make visuals that clearly represent what drummers practice –moving around the kit and using multiple limbs at once to create music. I wondered if there was a way to visualize […]

Bo Li

From 1942 to 2020 Why are you making this piece? Since the beginning of the epidemic, I have followed the notice from the local authority to stay at home and stay alive. Since the food in my house has become thinner recently, I have to go out to hunt. Firstly, I found that I was completely expired, so […]