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Alex Cerutti

BFA 4 - Art

Change The Game

Change The Game is a creative exploration focused on being free, experimental, and self expressive — there are no limits.

Meisen Hu

Cars N' Cats A series of toy cats and vehicle prototypes

Eyvind Kang

A class album and some videos Nina Flagg, Medusa

Vanessa Kwan

Ernestine and Delilah Ernestine and Delilah navigate their love in an apocalyptic world. Collaborators: Claire Brnjac

Carla Lopez

Water as a cleansing, invigorating, distortional, and transitional space. Motel pools as portals. Coloring and Layout Assistance – Lula Ochoa and Emily Malone My Swimmers – Lula Ochoa, Audrey Bandrowski, James Holsten, and Arius Ziaee Additional Camera Work – Savannah Perry Music by 11ai – Thank you to the Calarts Risograph Printing Techs, especially […]

Jessie Hodges

Save Yourself; VIDEO COMPILATION Submitting one installation work “Save Yourself” along with a compilation of videos that I would loop together. “No One Has Met Me, “Keep on Keepin’ On”,”Lick Piece”, “The Artist is Roasted” “What I Found Under the Rug: A Statement about Stress”   

Sungjae Lee

Wind and Wave Drawings is a series of motion drawings that intrinsically shows only one piece of thread; the video describes how the shape of the thread is changed by the wave of water and wind. By gathering these diversified shapes of the original thread, this project challenges the fundamental origin of the world that […]

Brian Griffith

Biological Internal Feedback Biological Internal Feedback is a visual music piece exploring the opaque gelatin that is created when combining the moment of inspiration and the realization of the thought. The video for this piece was created using nature footage taken from around my neighborhood, and abstract video synth textures created in the CalArts Videographics […]