Xiaoyun Zeng
MFA 2 - Art & Tech
Dance Machine
This project aims to discuss what’s the function of space, to explore the relationship between objects’ physical movements and spatial configuration in a different way, and to consider how we search/use/limit/share the space for a different purpose. The artist takes a dynamic sculpture approach to investigate the realm between visible the invisible. The purpose is to transforming the dismantling gestures into a machine perception, trying to conceive new possibilities toward seeing and stretching on modern dance, body movements, space section, choreography as visual art, and moving as objects. This project bases on three main components—space, light, and movement. Space includes unique spatial structures, which contains a stage, theater, gallery, human living place. Lighting and shadows shift in three-dimensional space to picturing a room blended with dots and lines, to show the replacement of the performer, the traces of objects’ movements, and the invisible.
Dongpu Ling
ML Landscape I am interested in the inaccurate and unpredictable result that a machine can make. In order to understand its “mind”, I train the machine using images that have not been cropped, to see how it understands a thing that has not be seen before.
Meisen Hu
Cars N' Cats A series of toy cats and vehicle prototypes https://humeisen.wixsite.com/relicworkshop
Morgan Ogilvie
This is no dream
Alex Cerutti
Change The Game Change The Game is a creative exploration focused on being free, experimental, and self expressive — there are no limits. changethegame.studio
Emmanuel Bradshaw
Cloudcast An art therapy piece that utilizes a car experience to guide the audience in an intimate experience of self
Juan Antonio Rivera
Førgøtten – A Contemporary Ballet for the Soul. This art performance is about social justice in the 21st century, bringing to light the reality that our society now lives with police brutality. Many of my family members have had to have the “police” talk, “hoodie” talk, or “walking-out-late-at-night” talk with their teenagers, warning them that […]
Sonia Vargas
Lights Lights of a carousel illuminating the dark sky https://syvargas470.wixsite.com/website
Katherine Shea
Georgie Romero Is Done For A horror comedy audio drama podcast. Georgie Romero, a zombie, has risen from the grave, driven to solve the mystery of her former human life with the help of an inept witch and a cynical ghost. Rachel Greenberg, producer/co-writer/co-producer Socks Whitmore, producer/lead actor Evan Johnson, composer/sound engineer Elliot Yokum, sound […]