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Usha Venkat

BFA 2 - Art

Radical Practice

Radical Practice is a series of podcast conversations between CalArts Graphic Design Program alumnae and current students. Each episode features an alumna with a distinct professional practice, including BFAs and MFAs whose endeavors range from cultural to corporate and from singular enterprises to ambitious ideas. We’ll discuss how they have defined success for themselves and gather insights into how their CalArts education might have played a role.


Louise Sandhaus, Alex Meir, Natalie Gooden, Alene Tashjian, Usha Venkat, Lily Yeh,
Zhenyu Qu

Tristan Kilmer

Genesis A clone decides she wants to be more than just another face in the crowd. Collaborators: Roy Berardo, Karen Tanaka, Brian Morones, MSmitherman, Madi Thoele, Samantha Norrie

Flenoit Webster

calvery xp faith in the 21st century and a look at the possible events- there is a chamber of people found in a basement of a prison who have been there since the late 1900’s suddenly an execution order has been created for all 144’000 souls and NOW an agent from the feds is investigating […]

Katherine Shea

Georgie Romero Is Done For A horror comedy audio drama podcast. Georgie Romero, a zombie, has risen from the grave, driven to solve the mystery of her former human life with the help of an inept witch and a cynical ghost. Rachel Greenberg, producer/co-writer/co-producer Socks Whitmore, producer/lead actor Evan Johnson, composer/sound engineer Elliot Yokum, sound […]

Juan Antonio Rivera

Førgøtten – A Contemporary Ballet for the Soul. This art performance is about social justice in the 21st century, bringing to light the reality that our society now lives with police brutality. Many of my family members have had to have the “police” talk, “hoodie” talk, or “walking-out-late-at-night” talk with their teenagers, warning them that […]

Moon Wang

I miss my three boyfriends This is a series of posters we made based on a girl who have mental illness and have lived in the hospital for 34 years.

Minline Lee

Silver & Matte grey series The avatars of digital era

Woohee Cho

TW/CW: hate speech, racism, violence untitled

Adam Zuckerman

A collection of melodies. Embedded like a small light in the corner. This piece engages themes and processes of transparency/translucence, copying/covering, and distance/absence: the traces of a thing not there. Melody fragments expand and contract. Here, melody crystallizes into harmony and harmony unfolds as melody. Like a constellation of stars; or in the direction of […]