Mia Yao Meng
MFA 2 - Art & Tech
Hyperreal Gesstures
This project is a reflection of the gestures we perform on a routine basis in order to interact (as the trigger and the data input) with networked devices such as smartphones and laptops. These gestures are abstracted/flattened in the design process and transformed into online behaviors. This habit-formation process only takes us a few attempts to get into new games of communications and interactions. How and by whom is this gestural language designed? Where is it taking our bodily actions to? As gestural controls are being further developed to blending the online/virtual world and the “real world”, this project reveals something intimate and problematic, wandering around the missing context left behind through our online interactions.
Don Nguyen
Portfolio https://donnewin.weebly.com/
Mira Spremich
Endure Yikai Luc Wu, Kai-Luen Liang, Madyson Thornquest, Max Harper, Nick Chang
Sonia Vargas
Lights Lights of a carousel illuminating the dark sky https://syvargas470.wixsite.com/website
Marina Santana De la Torre
Alternative Facts (Hechos Alternativos) A reflection on the phrase “Alternative Facts” used during a press conference in January 22, 2017
Tristan Kilmer
Genesis A clone decides she wants to be more than just another face in the crowd. Collaborators: Roy Berardo, Karen Tanaka, Brian Morones, MSmitherman, Madi Thoele, Samantha Norrie https://www.artstation.com/tristan_kilmer
Chusu Kim
Alive! behance.net/chusukim
Ajay Kapur
Ajay Kapur defines himself as a “Musical Scientist.” The “Scientist” in him organizes experiments on how computer programming, electrical engineering, and digital signal processing can be used in artistic practices. The “Musician” in him gathers all the current technology from his laboratory into modules that can be used in the concert hall, writing modern music […]
Sven Golden
Blake The Sorcerer Blake The Sorcerer is a recently released album of original piano solo pieces with different moods and subjects Fortune Freeway –