MFA 1 - Art


My artworks respond to the psychological impact of action and reaction (Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion). I like to think of this law in metaphorical terms beyond the literal mathematical implications. We exist in a constant state of action and reaction – every being is psychologically reacting to every action around that. Through continuously acting and reacting, we transfer our emotions to others and that begins to lose meaning and importance through repetition. I believe, “I” am simply the reflection of my surroundings. Others’ actions and reactions developing “I”.

Given our social, political, economic, cultural, and religious circumstances are creating a huge impact on self-existence. Our soul is dominated every moment by imposed ideologies that prevent us from experiencing nature precisely. Our current circumstances are driving us towards aggression, leading us to become overcritical and violent. As a result, we are losing the authentic structure of our soul and our mind.

Lorelei Acuna

Indigarb Fast fashion is the world’s second largest polluter, emitting 10% of all carbon emissions and is dumped into lands and oceans all over the world. In Our compilation of video and photography come together to evoke empathetic response in our viewers. By seeing humans absorbed in plastic, we mirror the way our Earth and […]

Xiaoyun Zeng

Dance Machine This project aims to discuss what’s the function of space, to explore the relationship between objects’ physical movements and spatial configuration in a different way, and to consider how we search/use/limit/share the space for a different purpose. The artist takes a dynamic sculpture approach to investigate the realm between visible the invisible. The […]

Marina Santana De la Torre

Alternative Facts (Hechos Alternativos) A reflection on the phrase “Alternative Facts” used during a press conference in January 22, 2017

Shaharoh Chism

Crazy For You Crazy For You performed by Shaharoh and her band In Lieu Of. Band: Brian Farst, David Howard and Ben Ochieng

Mia Yao Meng

Hyperreal Gesstures This project is a reflection of the gestures we perform on a routine basis in order to interact (as the trigger and the data input) with networked devices such as smartphones and laptops. These gestures are abstracted/flattened in the design process and transformed into online behaviors. This habit-formation process only takes us a […]

Vanessa Kwan

Ernestine and Delilah Ernestine and Delilah navigate their love in an apocalyptic world. Collaborators: Claire Brnjac