J. Rosenbaum

RMIT School of Art

Set in Stone

A series of marble faces, generated by AI, as it learns to create and update its bias’ on gender. First it is trained to generate masculine marble faces, fixed, immovable. Then marble feminine faces are added. It learns to change, a transgender neural network, updating its knowledge and its experience as it goes. Then the marble starts to give way, non-conforming self expression, color, joy, emerging as the gender becomes unfixed, non-binary. Through this evolving conceptual artwork I am exploring how my machine creates images representing gender and if it holds onto its trained bias. I am examining what the gender shift looks like and what transgender and non-binary self expression and self aware aesthetics are beyond biological essentialism. I created the datasets using 3D modeling to echo the idealized masculinity and femininity of classical statuary. This is part of my ongoing research project and is an evolving conceptual piece.


Perry Cook

COVID Pan Drum: A Robot Tongue-Drum Rendering of the SARS-2 COVID Virus Genome I’m building a custom robot to play a little lap-sized tongue (steel) drum. A program will read through the roughly 30k base pairs in the COVID 19 (SARS-2 COVID Wuhan Seafood Market) DNA sequence. Particular (known) functioning segments will be sonified when […]

Marina Santana De la Torre

Alternative Facts (Hechos Alternativos) A reflection on the phrase “Alternative Facts” used during a press conference in January 22, 2017

Sven Golden

Blake The Sorcerer Blake The Sorcerer is a recently released album of original piano solo pieces with different moods and subjects Fortune Freeway –

Jamie Naqvi

Scenes Inspired by film, memory, and collage, “Scenes” uses found and original material to recreate three scenes from its author’s life.  

Brian Griffith

Biological Internal Feedback Biological Internal Feedback is a visual music piece exploring the opaque gelatin that is created when combining the moment of inspiration and the realization of the thought. The video for this piece was created using nature footage taken from around my neighborhood, and abstract video synth textures created in the CalArts Videographics […]

Ursula Andreeff

The Renunciation Ceremony I created this painting series as part of the process to understand the emotional and subconscious experience of characters I’m developing for a television series. The series is called The Zomers and is about a zero waste community living in Chicago in 2046 and dealing with the effects of climate change. The […]

Pierre Emmanuel Mariaca

The Net and the Self “The Net and the Self is an interactive music and dance installation mirroring our networked society. The audience enter in a room illuminated by UV blacklights where dancers and musicians interact through an amplified harp that has its strings connected with fluorescent fishing lines attached to the walls. The installation […]