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Daniel Corral

Alumni - Music

15 Pendulums

This is a Unity-based video piece, inspired by Reich’s Pendulum Music, but with a microtonal tuning based on a 1-3-5-7 combination-product set. The fundamental of this tuning is an upper 2/1 partial of the Schumann resonance 7.83 Hz. This Schumann resonance is basically the resonant frequency of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Here is a video playlist with some of my other video pieces, as well:

Count In

Count In is a meditation on the role of individual voices in an imminent post-human environment, based around a recording of Poly-Styrene (from the 70s punk band X-Ray Spex) defiantly shouting the numbers “1-2-3-4.”

Count In combines phasing techniques and just intonation (with a tuning system inspired by La Monte Young’s Well Tuned Piano) and the result is a mixture of Steve Reich, X-Ray Spex, James Tenney, and Sesame Street Pinball Number Counts. The layered iterations of Styrene’s voice are reinforced by the visual presence of corresponding numbers, which slowly change color akin to a James Turrell Skyspace.

Sonia Vargas

Lights Lights of a carousel illuminating the dark sky

Kenneth Chan

A music collage I made with reversed samples of my previously recorded music.


Slide 12020 CalArts Expo Awards will be announced in May 2020 2019 AWARDSCalArts Provost’s Award for Creative Excellence: Peng Lai / 1 Shiqi Zhang, School of Film/Video, Film and Video with Chenghui Mao, School of Dance, Dance; Justin Yau, School of Music, Composition and Experimental Sound Practices SquishBoi Odie DeSmith, School of Music, Music Technology […]

Colin Yeo

I Am the Sun I Am the Sun is a virtual walk through play about a bear’s journey to self fulfillment.  

Lorelei Acuna

Indigarb Fast fashion is the world’s second largest polluter, emitting 10% of all carbon emissions and is dumped into lands and oceans all over the world. In Our compilation of video and photography come together to evoke empathetic response in our viewers. By seeing humans absorbed in plastic, we mirror the way our Earth and […]

Greg Lewis

Rob Ford Explorer Original experimental music from CalArts that would be perfect for the virtual expo! Greg Lewis, Cameron Sax

Max Harper

Apollo, Apollo! In this swift hell, firefighters wore upwards of seventy-five pounds of gear, as they walked atop a landscape rendered to burning coal. Guided only by headlights, the firefighters would soak the path in front of them. Every step released a fine silt of red embers and ash that moved weightlessly through the air, […]