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2:00 PM
Exhibition Venues open

Black & White Gallery/A404 | House of Glass | Machine Lab |
Main Gallery | Walt Disney Modular Theater & Lobby |
Roy O. Disney Concert Hall Lobby | WaveCave | X-Box

2:15 PM
Performances Begin in A300

5:00 PM
Mixer/Reception at the CalArts Main Entrance

5:30 PM
Performances Begin in Roy O. Disney Concert Hall (ROD)

6:00 PM
Santa Clarita Valley Technology Awards in Sharon Disney Lund Dance Theater

6:30 PM
Pitch Globally: Sharktank Style Pitch Event

7:00 PM
D300 + D301 open 7–10 PM
Works in Progress: Graphic Design

8:00 PM
Outdoor Exhibitions open 8:00 PM– 12:00 AM
Wild Beast Courtyard | House of Glass

8:30 PM
CalArts Expo Keynote
Jorge R. Gutierrez (Film/Video BFA 97, MFA 00) 

Shannon Tindle ’99 (On Ice)
David Eisenmann, Sr. Producer

10:00 PM
Bijou 10–11 PM
The MoSho

A300/PERCUSSION ROOM [2:15 PM – 2:00 AM]

featuring David Rosenboom | Amy Knoles

2:15 PM: Sound Bath
2:50 PM: Premiere of the Sine Organ
3:10 PM: 26 LETTERS
3:40 PM: lost in a landscape. (# ̄0 ̄)
4:00 PM: Las Chivas; Rhythms | Imitations
4:20 PM: Micronutrient: New Clickplexity
4:45 PM: Perry Cook: PerioSaraquenza
5:10 PM: Modular Synthesizer & Network Communication Performance
5:45 PM: Psychopoe
6:30 PM: David Rosenboom: Nothingness is Unstable
7:15 PM: Fraught Towers Pushing Down Monochords
7:45 PM: Gamin
8:25 PM: Hip Hop Lab
9:35 PM: Auraglyph Ensemble
10:20 PM: Amy Knoles: 9:8:7:5:4:3:1
11:00 PM: VIDEL
11:50 PM: Imaqüinarium
12:35 AM: Infinity Glove
1:15 AM: Cool Beatz

ROD [5:00 PM – 2:00 AM] 

featuring Sonic Boom

5:30 PM: Captain Planet: Music to Save Earth
6:15 PM: The Ensemble with Sam Friedland
6:50 PM: 10 years Sonic Boom, a celebration
8:15 PM: Interactive Spectral Postcard (After Sarah Belle Reid)
8:40 PM: Vibrating Electric
9:10 PM: Sprain
10:00 PM: Future Lover
10:40 PM: Dark Pulse
11:15 PM: Skullmatter
12:00 AM: wavetable oscillator
