Shaharoh Chism
MFA 1 - Music
Crazy For You
Crazy For You performed by Shaharoh and her band In Lieu Of.
Band: Brian Farst, David Howard and Ben Ochieng
Arash Hajihosseini
Matthew Pagoaga
Parallel Self Embraced “Parallel Self Embraced is an upcoming interactive light art installation to be installed at Burning Man 2021. Parallel Self Embraced presents two panels with human figures outlined in their center. Radial lines extend outward from the figures and beckon as doorways for entry. Entering the piece trips a variety of sensors and […]
Sven Golden
Blake The Sorcerer Blake The Sorcerer is a recently released album of original piano solo pieces with different moods and subjects Fortune Freeway –
Wendy LuHong
Wendy LuHong BFA 3 – Art ANGEL
Brian Griffith
Biological Internal Feedback Biological Internal Feedback is a visual music piece exploring the opaque gelatin that is created when combining the moment of inspiration and the realization of the thought. The video for this piece was created using nature footage taken from around my neighborhood, and abstract video synth textures created in the CalArts Videographics […]
Steve Weir
Alleys The Alleys series documents a lesser-known casualty of the construction boom in Seattle—alleyways. While they often carry a negative reputation, they are an integral part of the urban landscape.
Pierre Emmanuel Mariaca
The Net and the Self “The Net and the Self is an interactive music and dance installation mirroring our networked society. The audience enter in a room illuminated by UV blacklights where dancers and musicians interact through an amplified harp that has its strings connected with fluorescent fishing lines attached to the walls. The installation […]
Susana Pineda
The Mermaid is a collaborative music video and one of the 6 pieces of my thesis project “Inner Creatures.” “Inner Creatures” explores the development motivations, characteristics and environments of the different sub-personalities within the psyche. “The Mermaid” is the sub-personality that deals with the emergence of sexuality, sexual identity, femininity and the need for self-determination. […]