Leslie Crapster-Pregont

MFA 2 - Theatre

Light: action and reaction

“Light: action and reaction” highlights the awe and wonder of the simple transition of light throughout the day. Time lapse video captures the movement of the sun and its reflection/refraction across dichroic tiles. The changing pattern of color and light encourages the viewer to slow down and appreciate shadow art that occurs around us on a daily basis.


Collaborators: Fallon Williams

Roger Holzberg

LIFE QUILT “Created by the Healthcare by Design class of 2020 (CalArts Theater School), in partnership with Henry Mayo hospital. LIFE QUILT is a part of a larger pilot program developed for patients & families approaching end of life. Each panel is an active, creative experience, designed to reduce anxiety, connect family members in support, […]

Sam Jones

Noticing Nature Noticing Nature looks at how a new story is needed that is more centered around nature. It explores how everything, including ourselves, is connected, and how important it is that we take the time to slow down and notice the nature that surrounds us every day. http://www.noticingnature.com/

Jeremy Rosenstock

This is a text setting of excerpts from “Notes on the Cinematograph” and “Au Hasard Balthazar” by Robert Bresson. The work is composed for speaking pianist.

Kai Luen Liang

Flag ASMR “On Sept 11th, 2001 I watched the twin towers falling with my father. Glued to the TV. A silent demolition. An American reality TV show. In the weeks that followed, I started to see American flags everywhere. Especially from immigrants of all colors, flying the flag out of a sense of fear of […]

Sven Golden

Blake The Sorcerer Blake The Sorcerer is a recently released album of original piano solo pieces with different moods and subjects Fortune Freeway –

Xiaoyun Zeng

Dance Machine This project aims to discuss what’s the function of space, to explore the relationship between objects’ physical movements and spatial configuration in a different way, and to consider how we search/use/limit/share the space for a different purpose. The artist takes a dynamic sculpture approach to investigate the realm between visible the invisible. The […]

Shaharoh Chism

Crazy For You Crazy For You performed by Shaharoh and her band In Lieu Of. www.shaharoh.com Band: Brian Farst, David Howard and Ben Ochieng

Socks Whitmore

Quarantine Acoustics When Jacob’s estranged sister Ashley asks him to reprise a role from his past, the two must come to terms with their relationship to his younger ‘female’ self in order to save their own. “Pass” is a queer one act musical in development. It had a staged reading on January 26, 2020 in […]