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Jeremy Rosenstock

MFA 1 - Music

cairn eight: ii

This is a text setting of excerpts from "Notes on the Cinematograph" and "Au Hasard Balthazar" by Robert Bresson. The work is composed for speaking pianist.

Christine Lee

Happy Headroom “Happy Headroom” was part of my mid-residency show titled “Living Threads” in February 2020. The immersive installation consisted of 4-channel video and sculptures. In this video, my mom and I perform rituals as a visceral process to create a dialogue between changing states of self and site. Hair, simultaneously dead and living, functions […]

Mira Spremich

Endure Yikai Luc Wu, Kai-Luen Liang, Madyson Thornquest, Max Harper, Nick Chang

Yunni Lin

The Process A short film documenting the day to day training of dancers in the studios.

Xiaoyun Zeng

Dance Machine This project aims to discuss what’s the function of space, to explore the relationship between objects’ physical movements and spatial configuration in a different way, and to consider how we search/use/limit/share the space for a different purpose. The artist takes a dynamic sculpture approach to investigate the realm between visible the invisible. The […]

Bo Li

From 1942 to 2020 Why are you making this piece? Since the beginning of the epidemic, I have followed the notice from the local authority to stay at home and stay alive. Since the food in my house has become thinner recently, I have to go out to hunt. Firstly, I found that I was completely expired, so […]

Emily Eisenstein

plasticity My clothes my hair my face my body. The way I look and the way I feel are at war with each other. A film about gender in isolation.