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Daniel Rappaport

Alumni - Art

Live Your Fantasy!

Daniel L Rappaport is a CalArts alum (graphic design ’01) and is a graduate of the FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (digital media ’08).

His ascendants are Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and others, and he hails from the disgustingly famous Beverly Hills, CA.

He has over 25 years of digital media experience, and is the brainchild and main driving force behind Pazzaria Productions. Always a curious sort, he has mastered many different areas of digital media.

He has worked on projects for such high profile studios as Disney, MGM and Fox. He is the recipient of the Leica Photographie International Master Shot Gallery Acceptance, as well as worked on the film Wild, which went on to receive two Academy Award Nominations.

With professional talents from audio design to technical guru, magic to juggling, he considers himself a true renaissance man.

He sings also, but only for the occasional birthday.

Jamie Naqvi

Scenes Inspired by film, memory, and collage, “Scenes” uses found and original material to recreate three scenes from its author’s life.  

Kathleen Fox

Don't Let Me Be Lonely Don’t Let Me Be Lonely is an architectural projection performance inspired by Claudia Rankine’s book of poems of the same name. The projection mapping explores loneliness as it exists at CalArts both before and during the COVID19 Crisis. Rankine defines loneliness as “What we cannot do for each other.” This […]

Juan Antonio Rivera

Førgøtten – A Contemporary Ballet for the Soul. This art performance is about social justice in the 21st century, bringing to light the reality that our society now lives with police brutality. Many of my family members have had to have the “police” talk, “hoodie” talk, or “walking-out-late-at-night” talk with their teenagers, warning them that […]

Matthew Pagoaga

Parallel Self Embraced “Parallel Self Embraced is an upcoming interactive light art installation to be installed at Burning Man 2021. Parallel Self Embraced presents two panels with human figures outlined in their center. Radial lines extend outward from the figures and beckon as doorways for entry. Entering the piece trips a variety of sensors and […]

Carla Lopez

Water as a cleansing, invigorating, distortional, and transitional space. Motel pools as portals. Coloring and Layout Assistance – Lula Ochoa and Emily Malone My Swimmers – Lula Ochoa, Audrey Bandrowski, James Holsten, and Arius Ziaee Additional Camera Work – Savannah Perry Music by 11ai – Thank you to the Calarts Risograph Printing Techs, especially […]

Mia Yao Meng

Hyperreal Gesstures This project is a reflection of the gestures we perform on a routine basis in order to interact (as the trigger and the data input) with networked devices such as smartphones and laptops. These gestures are abstracted/flattened in the design process and transformed into online behaviors. This habit-formation process only takes us a […]

Yunni Lin

The Process A short film documenting the day to day training of dancers in the studios.