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Charles Danner

MFA 2 - Music

TW/CW: trauma

Two Steps Back

**Trigger Warning** This is a multimedia piece about the experience of being a victim of trauma in the current COVID-19 climate. The piece consists of original poetry written and performed by Nicole Paige Chaffin over an original score by Charles Van Alst Danner. The score features a custom feedback instrument, the FeedBox in which contact microphones excite Karplus-Strong synthesis and output through a tactile transducer inside a wooden box to generate complex pitched and noisy sounds.


Woohee Cho

TW/CW: hate speech, racism, violence untitled

Kenneth Chan

A music collage I made with reversed samples of my previously recorded music.

John Tejada

Future Stars class compilation album John Tejada, a frequent guest on Touched Music compilations, hatched the idea of turning the final project for his CalArts “Advanced Electronic Music Production” class into a compilation album for the established label. John Tejada Presents Future Stars features 15 of Tejada’s students at their best, as well as an […]

Yiran Wang

Travel.Connect Finding connections in this world…

Mengqing Yuan

B-body “My B-body” is a project I created during home quarantine. It is based on a poem I wrote about the relationship between my physical body and my consciousness. The text of the poem reads: My B-body My body doesn’t belong to me It wants to be free It wants to come apart It wants […]

Sam Jones

Noticing Nature Noticing Nature looks at how a new story is needed that is more centered around nature. It explores how everything, including ourselves, is connected, and how important it is that we take the time to slow down and notice the nature that surrounds us every day.

Lucas Brahme

Memorial An immersive virtual dining experience intended to guide the viewer through intimate experiences with the food of my heritage. The recipes in this project have been handed down orally throughout my family history and now that the previous generation is dead and gone, I take it upon myself to honor their memory while spreading […]

Minline Lee

Silver & Matte grey series The avatars of digital era