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Main Gallery

Penguin Island

Penguin Island Mei Gong CalArts School of Art Art and Technology MFA1 DESCRIPTION : An

L-Shape Gallery

Memory Rain

Memory Rain Ti lee CalArts School of Art Art MFA1 DESCRIPTION : A puddle is

L-Shape Gallery

Quilted relief

Quilted relief Veronika Gamaley CalArts School of Art Art Alumnx DESCRIPTION : Quilted relief sculpture.

Main Gallery

all that we are is all that we’ll ever be

all that we are is all that we’ll ever be Sunny Alonzo CalArts School of

MOD & MOD Lobby


Untitled Efren Franco CalArts School of Theater Lighting Design BFA3 DESCRIPTION : This expo piece

MOD & MOD Lobby

Interface Design Showcase

Interface Design Showcase Interface Design CalArts School of Music Music Technology Faculty DESCRIPTION : This

Main Entrance


Tribhang Riddhi Mathuria CalArts School of Art Graphic Design MFA2 DESCRIPTION : Tribhang is a

MOD & MOD Lobby

African Space Empire (ASE)

African Space Empire (ASE) ANATOLA CalArts School of Art Art and Technology MFA1 DESCRIPTION :

MOD & MOD Lobby

R3imagine Immersive

R3imagine Immersive ANATOLA CalArts School of Art Art and Technology MFA1 DESCRIPTION : A cutting-edge

Machine Lab

Aditi’s Magic Box

Aditi’s Magic Box Mechatronic Art Class CalArts School of Music Music Technology Faculty DESCRIPTION :