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Steve Weir

Alumni - Art


The Alleys series documents a lesser-known casualty of the construction boom in Seattle—alleyways. While they often carry a negative reputation, they are an integral part of the urban landscape.

Daniel Rappaport

Live Your Fantasy! Daniel L Rappaport is a CalArts alum (graphic design ’01) and is a graduate of the FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (digital media ’08). His ascendants are Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and others, and he hails from the disgustingly famous Beverly Hills, CA. He has over 25 years of digital media […]

Moon Wang

I miss my three boyfriends This is a series of posters we made based on a girl who have mental illness and have lived in the hospital for 34 years.

Lucas Brahme

Memorial An immersive virtual dining experience intended to guide the viewer through intimate experiences with the food of my heritage. The recipes in this project have been handed down orally throughout my family history and now that the previous generation is dead and gone, I take it upon myself to honor their memory while spreading […]

Kelon Cen

Doppelganger – Symbiosis Doppelgänger IV – Symbiosis (2020) is a composed theatre project exploring the concept of human-machine symbiosis. It’s an immersive multimedia experience that consists of projection mappings, spatialized sound, interactive sculpture, and performance art. Symbiosis is part of the Doppelgänger research project by IMUU that explores the human condition in a futuristic dystopia […]

Adam Peltier

home movies “sometimes i wish i was a woman, just so i could have an abortion” – john waters Connor Linnerooth "Lords and Ringz" – Last Week's Weather Tonight A celebrity guest and phone calls. What could go wrong? two jokes joke + joke = jokes

Adam Zuckerman

A collection of melodies. Embedded like a small light in the corner. This piece engages themes and processes of transparency/translucence, copying/covering, and distance/absence: the traces of a thing not there. Melody fragments expand and contract. Here, melody crystallizes into harmony and harmony unfolds as melody. Like a constellation of stars; or in the direction of […]

Charles Danner

TW/CW: trauma **Trigger Warning** This is a multimedia piece about the experience of being a victim of trauma in the current COVID-19 climate. The piece consists of original poetry written and performed by Nicole Paige Chaffin over an original score by Charles Van Alst Danner. The score features a custom feedback instrument, the FeedBox in […]

Eric Lennartson

A laser pointer is pointed at a mirror attached to a balloon. Sounds from a synthesizer vibrate the balloon, causing the mirror to move. This moves the laser pointer, resulting in the visualization of how the sound causes the balloon to vibrate. The images produced from this process are called lissajous figures. The improvisation explores […]