Meisen Hu
BFA 4 - Theatre
Cars N' Cats
Sven Golden
Blake The Sorcerer Blake The Sorcerer is a recently released album of original piano solo pieces with different moods and subjects Fortune Freeway –
Max Harper
Apollo, Apollo! In this swift hell, firefighters wore upwards of seventy-five pounds of gear, as they walked atop a landscape rendered to burning coal. Guided only by headlights, the firefighters would soak the path in front of them. Every step released a fine silt of red embers and ash that moved weightlessly through the air, […]
Andrea Turk
KARMA Music Video “Karma”, a song by Andrea Turk featuring Prince Husein, is a song that throws you into the situation of unreciprocated love and how one would react to it. In this song, both sides wish the other person well but also ‘karma’, for wasting their time and effort into a one-sided relationship. The […]
Mengqing Yuan
B-body “My B-body” is a project I created during home quarantine. It is based on a poem I wrote about the relationship between my physical body and my consciousness. The text of the poem reads: My B-body My body doesn’t belong to me It wants to be free It wants to come apart It wants […]
Jessie Hodges
Save Yourself; VIDEO COMPILATION Submitting one installation work “Save Yourself” along with a compilation of videos that I would loop together. “No One Has Met Me, “Keep on Keepin’ On”,”Lick Piece”, “The Artist is Roasted” “What I Found Under the Rug: A Statement about Stress”
Wendy LuHong
Wendy LuHong BFA 3 – Art ANGEL
Marina Santana De la Torre
Alternative Facts (Hechos Alternativos) A reflection on the phrase “Alternative Facts” used during a press conference in January 22, 2017
Danny Hynds
David Lynchenborough –