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Dylan Marx

MFA 1 - Music

Cavalry Call


Slide 12020 CalArts Expo Awards will be announced in May 2020 2019 AWARDSCalArts Provost’s Award for Creative Excellence: Peng Lai / 1 Shiqi Zhang, School of Film/Video, Film and Video with Chenghui Mao, School of Dance, Dance; Justin Yau, School of Music, Composition and Experimental Sound Practices SquishBoi Odie DeSmith, School of Music, Music Technology […]


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Slide 12020 CalArts Expo Schedule Coming Soon


Ajay KapurAjay Kapur defines himself as a “Musical Scientist.” The “Scientist” in him organizes experiments on how computer programming, electrical engineering, and digital signal processing can be used in artistic practices. The “Musician” in him gathers all the current technology from his laboratory into modules that can be used in the concert hall, writing modern […]


Slide Slide 1 Slide 1Slide 1 Slide 1Slide 1 Slide 1MEISEN HU BFA 4 – Theatre KELON CEN Alumni – Film Slide 1STEVE WEIR Alumni – Art ROBERT NOVER Design/Photography ’73 MADISON HICKS MFA 1 – Dance Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide 1HAMED DEHQAN MA – NTNU EDU COLIN YEO BFA […]