Faculty and Alumnx '13
Executive Producer
Staff and Alumnx '18
Executive Producer
Faculty and Alumnx '21
Technical Director
Staff and Alumnx '19
Install Manager
Web Development
Faculty and Alumnx
Social Media Producer
Curator and Producer
School of Art Art and Technology, MFA1
Curator and Producer
School of Art Art and Technology, MFA1
Curator and Producer
School of Music Music Technology, MFA1
Curator and Producer
School of Critical Studies Aesthetics and Politics, MFA1
Curator and Producer
School of Music Composition and Experimental Sound Practices, MFA2
Curator and Producer
School of Music Music Technology, BFA5
Curator and Producer
School of Music Musical Arts/Experimental Pop, BFA4
Graphic Designer
School of Art Graphic Design, MFA2
Scenic Designer
School of Theater Scenic Design, MFA3
Curator and Producer
School of Music Composition and Experimental Sound Practice, MFA2
Curator and Producer
School of Theater Experience Design and Production, MFA2
Curator and Producer
School of Music Musical Arts/Experimental Pop, BFA2
Curator and Producer
School of Music Musical Arts/Experimental Pop, BFA4
Curator and Producer
School of Music InstrumentalArts, MFA2
Graphic Designer
School of Art Graphic Design, MFA2
Curator and Producer
School of Music Music Technology, BFA3
Curator and Producer
School of Art Art and Technology, MFA1
Curator and Producer
Schools of Art and Dance Interactive Media for Performance and Choreography