of the same place Rachel Lambright CalArts School of Film/Video Film and Video MFA3 DESCRIPTION
(E)xtremely (N)ice (D)esign CalArts School of Art Graphic Design DESCRIPTION : Graphic Design Program’s End
Experimental Music Workshop CalArts School of Music Composition and Experimental Sound Practices MFA2 DESCRIPTION :
Spherical Time YUDAN ZHOU CalArts School of Film/Video Film and Video BFA4 DESCRIPTION : This
Ceramics Levy Barlevy CalArts School of Music Jazz BFA4 DESCRIPTION : Sqworm: /skwərm/ A hand-built
SJP Community Art Market CalArts Students for Justice in Palestine
Nature’s Pulse Jonghoon Ahn CalArts School of Art Art and Technology MFA1 DESCRIPTION : The
pneuma Hanbin Park CalArts School of Film/Video Experimental Animation BFA3 DESCRIPTION : Pneuma is an
Belle Isle Animation Sarah Hawkins CalArts School of Film/Video Experimental Animation MFA1 DESCRIPTION : Hand