Ida’s Files

Ida’s Files

Miles Karraa

CalArts School of Theater BFA3 Lighting Design
Ida DiPonti is a woman who told the story of her work from an afterlife, via a ouija board connected to an electric typewriter, via my great grandmother Margaret Moon and her sister Maurine. Ida is the head researcher for the Minds Analysis Department on the Immortal Level. This is her filing cabinet. One of Ida’s mortal clients, Thelonious, is about to have a run-in with the law. A run-in with some eerie SoCal Buddhism. Is enlightenment something Thelonious will work toward until he possesses it? Or is enlightenment only a glimpse; a view? This is a light art installation that critiques the New Kadampa Tradition’s teachings of enlightenment, while at the same time proposing a concept of radical absurdity as a means of catching a quick peek at enlightenment. Perhaps a quick peek is all there is.


  • Venue : MOD & MOD Lobby