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Can I be your Umbrella?

Can I be your Umbrella? JP Wang CalArts School of Art Art&Technology MFA2 DESCRIPTION :

L-Shape Gallery

A mold was growing in my shower until my roommate told my roommate the title. Not anymore.

A mold was growing in my shower until my roommate told my roommate the title.


Cunt Cave continued: pOp up DIY feminism

Cunt Cave continued: pOp up DIY feminism Feminist Alliance Movement (FAM) CalArts School of Music


Live Electronic Scoring

Live Electronic Scoring Sille CalArts School of Music Experimental Pop BFA4 DESCRIPTION : The performance


Book Of Voices

Book Of Voices Oliver Muco Nicholson CalArts School of Music Performer-Composer BFA4 DESCRIPTION : A


Jazmycelium’s Unearthing

Jazmycelium’s Unearthing Jazmycelium CalArts School of Music VoiceArts BFA3 DESCRIPTION : A set of my


Ashley Suh: Acoustic Performance

Ashley Suh: Acoustic Performance Ashley Suh CalArts School of Music Experimental Pop BFA4 DESCRIPTION :

MOD & MOD Lobby

VR Project – Air VRyer

VR Project – Air VRyer Ghazal Bazargan CalArts School of Theater Interactive Media for Performance

MOD & MOD Lobby

Memory Maze

Memory Maze Yixuan Tan CalArts School of Art Art and Technology MFA2 DESCRIPTION : You

MOD & MOD Lobby

The Tianak in the Balete Tree

The Tianak in the Balete Tree Dar San Agustin CalArts School of Art Photography and